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Foothills Fellowship Bible Church is located in Cleburne Country Arkansas at the Junction of Highway 25 & 16, halfway between Heber Springs and Quitman, Arkansas. Our Worship Services Start at 10:30 AM Sunday Morning.


Foothills Fellowship Bible Church is an autonomous New Testament Church. It is non-denominational, and non-traditional in that it is people-based. At no time will there by any conformity with any other existing church, or group of churches, or ministers who are affiliated in any way with any convention or association holding contrary doctrinal positions, but shall remain as an independent, fundamental Bible church.


We believe that ministry belongs to each believer and the corporate structure changes, and adapts to meet their needs as they minister. The authority to start new ministries and/or to discontinue existing ones remains in the hands of those who are actually doing that ministry. Church staff exists only to equip and support the saints. The focus in such a church is the people. The leadership should, therefore, be continually asking the following questions: How are the disciples thriving? How well are they being cared for and encouraged by one another? (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 6:1-7; 8:1-4)


Programs and facilities are not central to the model. They are secondary and only important when they are necessary to equip and enable the people. The structure of such a church is very simple, with the two most visible elements being: 1) the small, home-based “community” groups, and 2) the large celebration-sized group that meets each Sunday morning. (Acts 2:40-47; 4:31-37; 5:42; 12:11-16; 17:10-12; 18:24-28; I Corinthians 16:19).